Mentoring and Consultation

Coach Mentoring and Consultation can assist you in various ways as you grow as an Executive Function Coach. The following are just some examples of how mentoring can be helpful.

  • You have trained as an Executive Function Coach, but now you’re trying to determine your next steps.

  • You need help figuring out what to do for those initial sessions with a student.

  • You and your client aren’t making much progress, and you feel like they may be losing interest.

  • You need assistance with setting boundaries with parents or students.

  • You are not retaining clients, or too few are choosing to sign on with you after that initial call.

  • You need help making concrete plans and interventions for students’ individual issues.

  • You want ongoing support to feel like a confident and effective coach. 

  • You need ideas for resources to break up your sessions and make them more interesting and engaging.

Growing Your Coaching Business

If you are ready to take your coaching business to the next level, then you might find some of my own learnings and experience of interest.  I can help you overcome your challenges, achieve your goals and become a more successful Executive Function Coach.


Executive Function Coaching Course for New Coaches

You are now ready to start your own coaching business and help students and adults  improve their executive function skills. However, starting a new business can be daunting, especially if you are not sure where to begin. That’s where our Executive Function Coaching Course for new coaches comes in.

This course will teach you everything you need to know to start and grow a successful executive function coaching business. You will learn how to:

  • Define success for your clients and measure their progress
  • Work effectively with parents and support teams
  • Develop concrete plans and interventions for students’ individual issues
  • Set boundaries and manage your time effectively
  • Run a profitable business and attract new clients
  • You will also have the opportunity to network with other new coaches and learn from their experiences

This course is ideal for newly qualified executive function coaches who are ready to start their own businesses. It will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed.

Enroll today and start your journey to becoming a successful Executive Function Coach!

Executive Function Coaching Support Network

Being an Executive Function Coach has allowed me to take the favorite parts of my previous roles as Special Educator and Intervention Specialist and create a career out of them, setting my own schedule and being my own boss. 

It’s amazing. 

But it’s missing one very important component. Community. So much of what I loved about my job in the school setting was collaborating with my co-teachers and my middle-school team. We were a diverse group with different levels of experience and expertise, and my most significant growth and breakthroughs happened through those conversations. 

I have had to work hard to carve out a community and network on my own in this new role, and I feel lucky that I was able to do it – eventually.

I want to share it with you.  I want to alleviate some of the trouble and labor it takes to find a network so you can focus on doing what you came here to do. Coach!

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